There are two different ideas on this subject. Guys think it makes them look tough while women think it makes them look sexy. This may not be the case in any situation, but it is the thought process all the same. Men do not want to feel like women they are with the painting is one of the big oil companies.
Small tattoo is fine as long as it is stylish, but the problem comes when a woman and several tattoos or tattoo them are sexually suggestive.

Have a herd mentality:
Men want women who can think for themselves. And often you see a lot of girls who can not seem to do anything without the consent of their friends or their families. This leads to the belief that men are the exception, or deny your own will always be in the hands of someone else. When a man sees a girl with tattoos that seem to like it otherwise would not do so on its own agreement, and shows that may have been influenced by friends to get a tattoo. This may not be always the case, but all the same some of the players will avoid these types of girls like the plague.
Have excessive Tattoos:
As mentioned before with a girl too many tattoos is a huge lot for a group of men. Do not get me wrong it is for the expressive and girls may think that a beautiful work of art. But depending on the man may be disgusted by. Also when it comes to certain social status, they may feel like you're going to stick out like a sore thumb.
May be mixed:

Keep in mind that some players really like the Tattoo. When you do it respectfully and can be very beautiful. But excessive tattoos all over the body is the juncture, which may make a lot of men off to the idea of return you seriously.
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