Why should guys be the only ones to enjoy the permanent body art of tattoos? Although some people may have the idea that tattoos reduces a woman's essential femininity, nothing could be farther from the truth. One tattoo is a banner telling the world something about you, and can be as feminine as you want it to!
The one thing that can make a tattoo really pop is its location, and there are plenty of places in the body of a woman who can really work for this purpose.

Think of the natural curve of your hip and imagine how well a tattoo could fit that curve. For example, the curve many women who have flowered or alcohol in them tattoos above the waist and down to their thighs, creating a design that works with their body. Many women also consider getting a tattoo on the small of the back, and there is a nice flat piece of skin there that can display a wonderful tattoo. If you are looking for something especially sweet like a tattoo that winds its way around your ankles or feet. This is a place to get a tattoo, do not notice immediately and can add a wonderfully whimsical touch to your entire look.

If you do not mind to mix and match, why not consider a tattoo put on a typically feminine masculine location? Tattoos on the arms are usually associated with tough guys, but how about something nice as the girls take their place? Instead of a ring of barbed wire around the upper arm, what about a liquid Celtic design, or a twist of vine leaves and flowers? The forearm tattoos are usually male, but remember that it is all perception. Think about an elegant design of snakes or butterflies. Both of these patterns can be ideal, depending on what your perception of femininity is.

If you are looking for a tattoo that will enhance your femininity, there are plenty of topics to choose from. You can go in this cute, or you can go to sensuously beautiful, something that matches how you feel. Remember that a tattoo is primarily a statement and any message should be one that you do not mind projecting for rest of your life!
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