TATO, body painting or rajah was the picture symbol to body skin that in carved by using the implement of a kind of needle. Usually the picture and symbol that in decorated with the pigment coloured-warni. It was ancient, people were still using the manual technique and from traditional materials to menato someone. Eskimos for example, used the needle from animal bones for the process of the production rajah him. In Shaolin temples even used gentong copper that was hot to print gambit the Dragon to body skin. Pupils Shaolin that it was considered filled the condition to get symbol that afterwards stuck their two arms on a kind of picture edition of the available Dragon on the other hand gentong copper pansa that.
It seems, according to his history, tato initially was found in Egypt when the The Great Pyramids development, and during people Egypt widened their kingdom, art from tato then took part in spreading. The development of civilisation from Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia increasingly widened the form of this art. Approximately 2000 SM, art tato spread to China. Said tattoo came from Tahitian, “tatu” that was significant “ to indicate sesuatu”. The intention from menato had various things, from beginning the foundation an culture to something that was regarded as stylish and trnsi. Tato had something that sngat

Brita L. Miklouho-Maklai in his article of “Menguak Luka Masyarakat”, mentioned that the criminals kambuhan that most diidenfikasi through tato, to afterwards be shot in a secret manner, then his body was placed in the sack and was thrown away disembarang the place like the waste. PAdahal, not everyone bertato that the criminal. But, why until the existence of the generalisation happened like? Unfortunately did not yet have the deep research that could croak the shift in the meaning tato from ukiran decorative as the body decorator became the sign of the stamp for the criminals. Before tato was regarded as something that was trendy and fashionable as is now the case, tato indeed close to the revolt culture. The view negative the community about tato and the ban used rajah or tato for the follower of the certain religion increasingly meyempurnakan the image tato sebgai something that was banned and forbidden. Therefore, used tato be the same as rebelled against the order the social value and the available religion.
Currently became Trendi Although previously tato it was considered the matter that the taboo and ugly, now tato was regarded as something that was stylish and trendy. Tato freckles, tato to redden the lip, tato the eyebrow samapi tato the picture “yang moved canvas lukis” all through the body. Moreover, his interested persons currently not only in the normal circle or to mischievous people that want to strong-gagahan. The artists currently many that used tato as accessories. Mentioned several artists like Andi/rif, the well known presenter Jodi and the pretty singer Nafa Urbach. This menunjukan that tato today to tren that was regarded as natural in the community. Apart from being made the vehicle berekspresi for the artist tato him. In the circle penghobi the big motor, tato was identical to them. Take note, the community bikers America and Europe like Hell’s Angels, The Pagans, The Outlaws, Bandidos et cetera.
The life expression was very hard, wild and free to become their inspiration to present him to body skin. This scratch usually about the frightening animal, the woman or the symbol of the freedom that was identified by Eagle birds. For the fanatic tunggangan HD, the motive tattoo usually took the form of the machine bloc, the HD logo even the curse towards the make of the other motor. The closeness bikers with body painting was not free from his individual flow of character conscience. With tattoo, they want to creative at the same time bringing about the love against the pet motor and the element of the life bikers that was full of the freedom. It was not rare, T-shirt buntung deliberate was put on to exhibit tattoo on their arms. According to tattooist Bandung, Yusepthia Soewardi, the trend motorist dirajah initially more in the identity exposure himself to develop the feeling of the self-confidence. Now, tattoo more often put the element of his art forward. “Motif the skull, the devil, eagle birds were often chosen and dipadu the motive treebal the model ukiran very pointed. His colour was simple, took the form of the bloc hitam,” clear the owner Kent Tattoo Studio this. “Para the big motor rider leant towards the picture of the English flag Or America that dipadu the component or his motor machine. The appointment of the layout of his picture was then processed se harmonious possibly, in order to be able to be seen as the work of art bernilai,” obviously him. Many of the artists tato that eksis with his work. “Saya togethered with the colleague, want to more socialised tato as a work of seni,”ujar Kent-Kent. For the achievement produced by the perfect picture, he not half-hearted used the ink material of Intenze paroduk Austria to tato him. Was different from normal ink, Intenze ink the cocoon contained antibiotic that could prevent skin cancer, apart from the choice of the varying colour achieving 53 different colours. This was supported also with the superiority of the machine tato him that was deliberate he the direct message from America. Could have been confirmed, results of his picture became more good and perfect.
Although initially Kent-kent be involved in “tato penjara” that his cultivation was carried out in a manner provided that, later Kent-kent changed the image negative about tato by putting certain rules for the process of the production into effect tato him. For example with the motive election tato that was matched with the colour of the client's skin, samapai in the guarding stage of the health from beginning the use of gloves plastic, to the sterilisation to the media tato with menggunkan alcohol. Art tato then evidently knew various sorts aliaran. According to Kent-kent in art tato was classified to 6 parts, that is:
1. Naturally, various picture sorts tato took the form of nature scenery or the form face.
2. Treeball, was a series of picture that was made use the colour bloc. Tato ni often was used by the Maori ethnic group.
3. Outschool, tato that was made take the form of ancient pictures, a fairy or the symbol of the anchor boat that tertusukl the knife.
4. Newschool, his picture tended to head to the form graffiti and anime.
5. Biomekanic, took the form of the strange picture that was the imagination from technology, like the picture of the robot, the machine etc.. Nuances tato that increasingly multitudinous this, increasingly increased the brightness of the world tato and his lover that in a manner indirectly will make the image of the community about tato became better, was not gazed at something that the taboo again. This as the picture of the condition for the time situation that produced the construction that was different from the time to the time. Previously is regarded as bad, now tato was regarded as something that was modern. If this era ended, not the impossible matter if tato could be regarded as the appointment “status the class sosial”.
Moreover tattoo this often was had by celebriti the plank on the world therefore the development tattoo no longer became the taboo was in fact increasingly trendy in the artist's circle...
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